Access to pesticides and fertilizers was simplified for farmers during the war in Ukraine shutterstock

Access to pesticides and fertilizers was simplified for farmers during the war in Ukraine

Katerina Belousova

The business does not need to apply to the State Production and Consumer Service for a conclusion on the sanitary-epidemiological examination

The Cabinet of Ministers made changes to the Procedure for testing and state registration of pesticides and agrochemicals, which simplified the processing of permit documents for businesses.

Obtaining a conclusion on the state sanitary-epidemiological examination will resume 90 days after the lifting of martial law, reports Ministry of Environment.

The Cabinet of Ministers also coordinated the implementation of these procedures with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding uninterrupted production and supply of agricultural products during martial law".

"In the conditions of wartime, the Government simplifies the conditions of doing business and removes administrative barriers. After all, the country's economy must work for victory," said the head of the Ministry of Environment and Rural Affairs, Ruslan Strilets.

He explained that during martial law and for 90 days after its cancellation, when registering pesticides and agrochemicals, it is not necessary to apply to the State Production and Consumer Service for a conclusion on the state sanitary-epidemiological examination.

"This will significantly reduce the time of receiving administrative services," he explained.

According to the procedure, in order to get the opportunity to sell and use pesticides and agrochemicals, the entire package of documents was submitted to the Ministry of Environment, and then to the State Production and Consumer Service to obtain a conclusion on conducting a sanitary-epidemiological examination.

Currently, one permit document has been removed from the list.

We will remind the government made it easier for farmers to access to pesticides and fuel.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, farmers criticized organic farming against the backdrop of food shortages.

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