Poachers brutally killed 8 roe deer in the Sumy region

Poachers brutally killed 8 roe deer in the Sumy region

Katerina Belousova

Hunting under martial law is prohibited

In Sumy region, foresters from a raid brigade in Trostyanets forestry found the remains of eight illegally hunted roe deer.

Poachers were found with the help of traces left after the hunt and photo traps located in the forest, reports the Northern Forest Office of the state enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" in Telegram.

The traces led foresters to the place where the remains of animals were located.

“Police officers were called to the scene of the crime,” the statement said.

The press service noted that hunting under martial law is prohibited. After all, wild animals living in the forests of the border region suffer from war no less than people, and also need a safe space.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Zhytomyr region in Korostyshev forestry in Korostyshevsky forestry the forest master found the remains of the carcass of a female moose, which was also carrying a calf. The red-listed animal was boldly killed by poachers.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, poachers killed three wild boars in Volyn in Vladimir-Volyn forestry near the village of Zaturtsy. This is a gross violation of hunting rules, as hunting during martial law is prohibited.

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