Ukraine will create a register of biofuel plants shutterstock

Ukraine will create a register of biofuel plants

Anna Velyka

278 People's Deputies voted "for".

On June 18, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted as a basis the government's draft law No. 9597 "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine 'On Alternative Fuels' to Create a Register of Installations Using Biofuels as the Only Fuel."

The government's representative in the parliament, Taras Melnychuk, announced this on Telegram.

This draft law provides for:

  1. Creation by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of a register of installations that use biofuel as the only type of fuel for the purpose of administration of establishing a zero hryvnia environmental tax rate for carbon dioxide emissions generated during the combustion of biofuel by installations.
  2. Maintenance and administration of the corresponding register by the central body of the executive power, which implements the state policy in the field of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy saving and alternative types of fuel, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government.

It is expected that the adoption of the draft Law will ensure the transparency of the procedure for setting the rate of zero hryvnia environmental tax for carbon dioxide emissions for installations that use biofuel as the only type of fuel.

Almost a year ago, in August 2023, EcoPolitic wrote about the plans of the Cabinet of Ministers create a register of biofuel installations.

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