The Council registered a draft law that would unblock the export of biomethane

The Council registered a draft law that would unblock the export of biomethane

Katerina Belousova

In Ukraine, by 2030, the annual production of biomethane may reach 1 billion m3

The Verkhovna Rada registered draft law No. 9456 "On amendments to the Customs code of Ukraine regarding customs clearance of biomethane", which is designed to unblock the export of biogas to the EU.

The document will also contribute to the expansion of biomethane production capacity, the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving reports on Facebook.

It is noted that the draft law will contribute to:

  • increasing the state's energy security;
  • development of the biomethane industry in Ukraine;
  • development of the energy and agricultural sectors;
  • creation of new jobs;
  • building long-term partnerships with the European Union regarding sustainability and green transformation.

The press service emphasized that, according to experts' estimates, by 2030, the annual production of biomethane in Ukraine may reach 1 billion m3, under the conditions of proper state incentives. Therefore, Ukrainian manufacturers will need a significant expansion of sales markets, in particular to European countries.

As Ukrainian Energy reports, the initiators of the draft law propose that customs clearance of biomethane be carried out on the basis of information on the volumes of biogas or other types of gas from alternative sources. Such gas, when moving through the gas transportation system, according to its physical and chemical characteristics, can be replaced by an appropriate amount of natural gas or their mixture at each point of gas reception-transmission separately.

"The Ministry of Energy Efficiency supports such legislative changes in the direction of the development of this area in Ukraine and the legislative regulation of the sale of Ukrainian biomethane to the European market," the message reads.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that Operator GTS of Ukraine LLC received applications from more than 10 companies that are considering the possibility of construction of 31 biomethane plants with a capacity of 225 million m3 per year.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, a state standard was adopted in Ukraine regarding injection of biomethane into gas networks. On the basis of this document, technical conditions for connecting biomethane plants to gas distribution networks will be issued.

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Right after Vitagro, MHP also started exporting biomethane to the EU

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