An eight times excess of harmful substances was found in the air of Kyiv shutterstock

An eight times excess of harmful substances was found in the air of Kyiv

Katerina Belousova

Compared to the previous week, the level of nitrogen dioxide pollution decreased, formaldehyde increased

In the air of Kyiv during the week from 4 to 9 July was found that the average daily maximum permissible concentrations of formaldehyde were exceeded 7.9 times and nitrogen dioxide up to 4.1 times.

The largest excesses were found on Victory Square, informs in the weekly reports about air pollution from the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory.

According to the data of the observatory, the limit of permissible concentration is exceeded according to the average daily content formaldehyde last week was:

  • 5.6 - 7.9 times - on Peremogy Square, Popudrenka Street;
  • 2.0 – 4.4 times – on Demiivska Square, Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard, Peremogy and Nauka avenues, in the Hydropark area, Dovzhenka, Akademika Strazheska, Kaunaska and Sklyarenko streets.

Exceeding the the limit of permissible concentration by average daily content nitrogen dioxide :

  • 3.3 – 4.1 times on Peremogy Square, Peremogy Avenue, Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard, Kaunaska and Sklyarenko Streets;
  • 2.4-2.7 times on Demiivska Square, in the Hydropark area, Akademika Stražeska streets (intersection with Vaclav Havel Boulevard), Dovzhenka and Popudrenka streets;
  • no excesses were observed at 37 Nauky Ave (in the area of ​​the meteorological station).

Other exceedances of the limit of permissible concentration by average daily content:

  • suspended solids - 1.0 times on Peremogy Square, Peremogy Avenue, Kaunaska Street;
  • of carbon monoxide - by 1.0-1.8 times on Peremogy Avenue (Sviatoshin metro area), Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard, Inzhener Borodin and Semen Sklyarenko streets.

Specialists observatory selected and analyzed 1276 samples of atmospheric air from 15 stationary posts.

"Compared to the previous week, the level of nitrogen dioxide pollution decreased, formaldehyde increased. The content of other impurities has not changed," the article says.

According to the forecast of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, in the coming days mainly rainy weather, with low air temperature, increasing wind will contribute to cleaning the surface layer of the atmosphere from harmful impurities.

By the way,  in Kyiv on Monday, July 11, people feel in the air the smell of smoke from smoldering peatlands in Nova Hrebla, Borodyansk OTG.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Verkhovna Rada approved the improvement of the mechanism regulation of pollutant emissions substances into atmospheric air.

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