Two-fold excess of the content of toxic gases was found in the air of Kyiv

Two-fold excess of the content of toxic gases was found in the air of Kyiv

Katerina Belousova

Specialists of the observatory analyzed 1,587 air samples

During the week of December 4-9, the average daily maximum permissible concentration of sulfur dioxide was found to be 2.4 times higher than the average daily maximum permissible concentration.

Compared to the previous week, the content of pollutants remained almost unchanged, according to the weekly air pollution report from the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory.

According to the observatory, the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of nitrogen dioxide was exceeded by the average daily content:

  • 1.4-2.0 times – on Halytskaya, Demiivskaya and Bessarabskaya squares, Beresteyskyi and Obolonskyi avenues, Lesya Ukrainka boulevard, in the Hydropark district, Akademik Strazheska, Oleksandr Dovzhenka, Hetman Pavla Polubotka, Kaunaska and Sklyarenko streets ;
  • no excesses were observed at 37 Nauky Ave. (in the area of ​​the meteorological station).

Exceeding the MPC by average daily content of sulfur dioxide:

  • 1.5-2.4 times – on Demiivska, Bessarabska and Halytska squares, Beresteyski and Obolonski avenues, Lesya Ukrainka boulevard, in the Hydropark district, Akademik Strazheska, Oleksandr Dovzhenka, Hetman Pavla Polubotka, Kaunaska and Semyon Sklyarenko streets ;
  • no excesses were observed at 37 Nauky Ave. (in the area of ​​the meteorological station).

Exceeding the MPC by average daily formaldehyde content:

  • 1.8 times – on Sklyarenko Street (December 4);
  • in 1.0-1.4 times – Halytskaya, Demiivskaya and Bessarabskaya squares, Beresteyskyi and Obolonskyi avenues, in the Hydropark area, Oleksandr Dovzhenka and Hetman Pavlo Polubotka streets .

Specialists of the observatory selected and analyzed 1587 atmospheric air samples from 16 stationary stations.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, Director of the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center Volodymyr Boreyko stated that over the past 3 years in Kyiv, developers have attempted to encroach on protected objects 10 times. During this time, the destruction or attempted destruction of nature reserves due to the fault of developers has tripled.

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