The number of attempts to destroy nature reserves for the sake of development has increased in Kyiv – ecologists

The number of attempts to destroy nature reserves for the sake of development has increased in Kyiv – ecologists

Katerina Belousova

Over the past 10 years, developers have destroyed more than 700 hectares of Kyiv parks

Director of the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center, Volodymyr Boreyko, said that over the past 3 years, developers in Kyiv have 10 times made an attempt on protected objects.

During this time, the destruction or attempted destruction of nature reserves due to the fault of developers increased threefold, he wrote in his column on Interfax.

"Destruction of protected objects protecting green areas leads to increased air pollution and increased heat in summer. "Kyiv is gradually turning into a stone jungle, unfit for habitation," the ecologist emphasized.

A study by KECC showed that over the past 10 years, developers have destroyed more than 700 hectares of Kyiv parks.

Boreyko said that in 3 years the developers could destroy:

  • reserve "Troyeshchynski luky" – the developers challenged the protected status in court, but lost the case;
  • "Urochyshche Tserkovshchyna" reserve – one of Kyiv's communal enterprises organized illegal sand mining;
  • regional landscape park "Lysa Gora" – the Kyiv City Council planned to build a military cemetery on the mountain;
  • reserve "Babyn Yar" – the Kyiv Council planned to build a military cemetery in the reserve;
  • "Protasiv Yar" nature reserve named after Roman Ratushny – the developer challenged the protected status of the ravine in court;
  • reserve "Desnyanski luky" – KP "Kyivvodokanal" illegally started laying pipes on its territory;
  • "Ozero Almazne" nature reserve – due to a technical error, the lake was transferred for the development of a sand quarry. The lake was saved thanks to prompt application of ecologists to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources;
  • "Ozero Tyagle" and "Osokorkivski luky" nature reserves – developers through a pseudo-ecological organization appealed to the Kyiv authorities with a proposal to close the nature reserves. In addition, in 2023, the large area of ​​Lake Tyagle was covered with construction debris and a road was laid across it.

The ecologist emphasized that, in addition to the destruction of existing protected objects, developers systematically oppose the creation of new ones. For example, the reserve "Orchid Forest" in the Pokol tract, "Vikova Dibrova", "Gorbachiha", "Trukhaniv Island", the bequest of lakes Vyrlytsia, Nebrezh and Martyshiv,

According to Boreyk, this tendency is connected with the fact that:

  • The State Environmental Inspection is now deprived of the right to conduct inspections of illegal buildings in green zones;
  • the attention of society and mass media is reoriented to the war;
  • the city government and the deputy corps do not pay enough attention to the protection against illegal construction of existing reserves and the creation of new ones.

The ecologist emphasized that for the sake of construction in Kyiv, not only natural monuments, but also cultural monuments are being destroyed.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the court declared illegal the lease of 19.72 hectares of land near Lake Vyrlytsia in Kyiv where they planned to build a shopping, entertainment and office center.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Deputy Chairman of the KMDA Petar Olenych was informed of the suspicion of abuse of office, which led to the development of Nyvka Park.

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