Almost 50 million in losses to the state were counted in one forestry enterprise in Lviv region alone: auditors were threatened shutterstock

Almost 50 million in losses to the state were counted in one forestry enterprise in Lviv region alone: auditors were threatened

Katerina Belousova

Damages from abuses reached about 49 million hryvnias

Auditors from the state enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" found a number of violations in the Rava-Rus forestry in Lviv region, including deforestation worth more than UAH 6 million and overpriced purchases worth more than UAH 25 million.

The former management of the branch is already trying to discredit the auditors by spreading fake materials on social media, according to the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" on Telegram.

Among the biggest abuses identified in the report were:

  • illegal installation of devices with significant energy consumption – more than 0.5 million hryvnias in damages;
  • conclusion of contracts with entrepreneurs for the performance of works and provision of services, which led to illegal and groundless expenses – more than 7 million hryvnias in losses;
  • abuses during the conclusion of operational leasing contracts, which did not correspond to the interests of the state enterprise, but were one of the ways of obtaining personal benefits by officials of the state enterprise, in particular Kosovsky A.P., Panechko V.V. and Levytsky V.O. – more than 6 million hryvnias in damages;
  • unjustified payment of compensation payments, allowances, surcharges and bonuses – more than 3 million hryvnias in damages;
  • unjustified write-off of fuel and lubricants and spare parts for non-working vehicles and third-party equipment – hundreds of thousands of hryvnias in damages;
  • unjustified write-off of forest products for road repairs and heating of administrative buildings and premises in the amount of about UAH 1 million;
  • purchase of sleepers from counterparties at inflated prices – more than 25 million hryvnias in losses;
  • violation of the conditions of long-term temporary use on land plots of forestry purpose allocated for recreational use and purposes;
  • illegal felling – more than 6 million hryvnias in damages;

It is noted that the established facts of violations correspond to the signs of criminal offenses.

"Currently, the ex-management of the branch is trying to discredit the auditors by spreading fabricated, fake materials about our work on social networks. But intimidation and pressure will not help those involved in this case, we are handing over the materials to law enforcement agencies to bring those involved to justice," said the head of the internal audit department SE "Forests of Ukraine" Volodymyr Hotsulyak.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Lviv region, the management of the branch of the state-owned enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" organized an underground data center for cryptocurrency mining in the office premises of "Rava-Rus Forestry". The losses reached more than 1.5 million hryvnias, and those involved earned at least 4 million hryvnias.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, General Director of the state-owned enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" Yury Bolokhovets stated that a new practice will be introduced in Ukraine, namely regressive lawsuits against the heads of state forestry farms for damage caused by illegal felling.

The State Forestry Agency has invented a new type of logging, for which one approval is enough – UPG
The State Forestry Agency has invented a new type of logging, for which one approval is enough – UPG

Environmentalists call to prevent such an innovation from being adopted

Ukraine has begun to clean up its self-grown forests
Ukraine has begun to clean up its self-grown forests

Territorial communities do not want to pay for illegal logging on their territory

In Zakarpattia, foresters are massively cutting down forest for the construction of an illegal road – media
In Zakarpattia, foresters are massively cutting down forest for the construction of an illegal road – media

Journalists call the company "Wind Parks of Ukraine" the main beneficiary from this project. 

The Economic Committee supported the draft law No. 4197-d
The Economic Committee supported the draft law No. 4197-d

This document belongs to European integration