The world's largest 16 MW wind turbine was launched in China

The world's largest 16 MW wind turbine was launched in China

Katerina Belousova

This will reduce carbon emissions by 54,000 tons

In China, the world's largest offshore wind turbine with a capacity of 16 MW was installed and connected to the grid on the coast of Fujian province.

The length of each turbine blade reaches 123 meters, and their area is 50,000 m2, i.e. the size of seven standard football fields, Xinhua reports.

It is noted that this wind turbine has the largest single generating capacity among all turbines operating in the world.

The material emphasized that the turbine turbine will be able to generate more than 66 million kilowatt-hours of energy per year. This is enough to meet the needs of 36,000 families.

It is noted that the turbine will avoid burning 22,000 tons of coal and reduce carbon emissions by approximately 54,000 tons.

"The 16-megawatt offshore wind turbine is a breakthrough in the core technology of the offshore wind energy industry chain, and it will contribute to the sustainable development of the country's offshore wind energy industry," said Lei Mingshan, chairman of China's Three Gorges Corporation.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the blades of giant wind turbines can become even larger, which will likely reduce costs on offshore and desert projects. Currently, the Chinese company Ming Yang Smart Energy Group already offers equipment with a blade length of 140 meters.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, a study by the non-profit organization Environmental Progress showed that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for about 10 years understated by 3-5 times the carbon footprint of solar panels produced in China.

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