TOP-7 most high-profile deforestation cases for October 3-9 shutterstock

TOP-7 most high-profile deforestation cases for October 3-9

Anna Velyka

Officials cheerfully report on the successful reformation of the forest industry, but numerous cases published by the prosecutor's offices of various regions throughout the country testify to the opposite

EcoPolitic has collected 7 of the most high-profile violations of illegal logging that became known during the week of October 3-9.

We used the information posted by the press services of prosecutors' offices and units of the State Ecological Inspectorate of Ukraine.

1. Prosecutors in Cherkasy region submitted to the court an indictment against the deputy head of one of the city councils in Zvenyhorod. He failed to ensure proper control over compliance with environmental protection rules on the territory of the Talnivsky Park, a monument of landscape art.

As a result, in September-October 2022, unidentified persons demolished 346 oak, linden, hornbeam, maple, and ash trees in the park without permission. Environmental inspectors estimated the damage at over UAH 18 million.

2. Specialists of the State Ecological Inspectorate of the Capital District reported on October 4 that they had recorded the illegal felling of 74 trees, including 67 pine trees, on the territory of the Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve.

In the comments under the Facebook post, the representatives of the reserve came to them and said that they discovered the log cabin on October 1, while patrolling the bordering territory along the perimeter of 235 square meters. Rozsokhiv nature protection research department . According to them, at that time the number of uprooted trees was 40. Foresters of the reserve called the police and recorded the fact of violation.

The investigation into who is actually subordinate to this territory with illegal logging is still ongoing. Ecoinspection refers to the data of the portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Ukrderzhlisproekt", which assigns the site to the 235th quarter of Dytyatkiv Forestry (units 29 and 32). The employees of the reserve insist that this is an area adjacent to them and provide a map to confirm their words.

This is another example of the fact that in Ukraine there is a big problem with the naturalization of the boundaries of the objects of the nature reserve fund.

3. In the Volyn region will judge members of an organized criminal group, which consisted of the director of a private woodworking enterprise, his subordinate and three foresters – employees of the Manevytskyi and Kolkivskyi forestry enterprises of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine".

During October-November 2023, accomplices illegally cut wood in the Volyn forests and transported it to a sawmill under the director's control for further processing. Criminals caused damage to the environment on more than UAH 7.3 million.

During the search of the sawmill, the investigators discovered and seized 1,093 logs of illegally cut trees and a Ural car. All seized property was seized.

In June, law enforcement officers of the State Bureau of Investigation reported to the organizer and 4 members of the group on suspicion of illegal felling of trees committed by an organized group (Part 3 of Article 28, Part 4 of Article 246 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).


Three foresters, who directly organized the illegal cutting of trees, are also charged with exceeding official powers, which caused serious consequences for state interests (Part 3 of Article 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), and one of them, who entered false information into official documents, is also charged with official forgery (Part 1 of Article 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Two more foresters who, due to improper performance of official duties, allowed illegal felling to be carried out, also became extras in the criminal proceedings. They are accused of official negligence, which caused serious consequences for state interests protected by law (Part 2 of Article 367 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

4. Also, the prosecutors have already submitted the case, which was opened by EcoPolitics, to the court reported at the beginning of September. 3 residents of the Shostkinsky district cut down 57 oak trees and 1 ash tree in the forest area located on the Makove-Gluhiv ridge without permission. These "black loggers" caused a total amount of damage to the forest 1 million 355 thousand UAH.

Photo: Sumy Regional Prosecutor's Office

5. Forestry management in Lviv Oblast will pay to the local budget almost UAH 800,000 in damages for illegal logging. Foresters did not ensure proper protection of the Velikiy lis reserve of local importance, which is under special state protection.

6. In the Lviv region, investigators reported suspicion of 4 members of an organized criminal group in illegal felling of wood, transportation and sale of felled trees, as well as embezzlement of other people's property by abuse of official position by an official (Part 2 of Article 246, Part 5 of Article 191 Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The group was organized by a forester and a local entrepreneur. They also involved two forest masters subordinate to the forester. During December 2023 – February 2024, they illegally cut down trees in the forest areas of one of the structural subdivisions of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine". The resulting wood was then sold. The entrepreneur gave the proceeds from the sale to the forester, who, in turn, distributed them among the group members.

As a result of illegal felling of trees, the environment was damaged about UAH 200,000.

7. In Ternopil Oblast, a forester from one of the forestry branches of the "Kremenets Forestry" branch of the "Forests of Ukraine" State Public Enterprise will be tried. Either he failed to fulfill his duties conscientiously, or he turned a blind eye to the violation, but in fact he allowed the felling of almost 70 trees that were not intended for felling. His official negligence caused damage in the amount of more than UAH 300,000.

A forester faces a fine of 2,000 to 4,000 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens or correctional work for a term of up to 2 years, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to 3 years, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to 3 years.


The State Environmental Inspection of the South-Western District as well informs about the punishment received by the "black lumberjack" in the Mykolayiv region. He illegally cut down trees in the field protection forest strip on the territory of the Berezneguvat community. For demolishing 8 trees, he received 1.5 years of probation.

Earlier, EcoPolitic told about large-scale shady schemes for the sale of wood , which, according to former employees, exist in national parks.

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