There are more fish in the Black Sea than ever Скріншот із відео

There are more fish in the Black Sea than ever

Anna Velyka

Flocks of horse mackerel, anchovy, and mullet are pleasing to the eye

Despite the hot weather and the undermining of the Kakhovka hydroelectric station in the Black Sea near Odessa, life is raging, and the variety of marine biological resources is impressive.

Odessa ecologist, chairman of the NGO "Green Leaf" Vladislav Balinsky shared footage from the depths of the sea.

He noted the first signs of freezing processes due to the high heating of water – up to 29 degrees – at the level of bottom layers at a depth of more than 3 m. But, despite this, he noted that life in the sea abounds with colors:

"We want to believe that the wind will continue to throw up cold water from the depths in a timely manner, and it will still be possible to avoid mass starvation," the ecologist expressed hope.

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Screenshot from the video

Vladyslav Balinsky claims that this year there are more fish than ever. These are flocks of atherina, hamsa and mullet, fry of carp.

"Within Odesa today, you can easily find sole, turbot or stingray. I'm not saying that after the mass death due to the explosion of the Kakhovskaya dam, the number of bulls and other settled aboriginal species began to increase at an accelerated pace," the specialist says.

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Screenshot from the video

He noted that this summer he did not observe peaks in the number of small crustaceans, shrimp also decreased, however, the number of crabs and other large crustaceans did not decrease significantly.

"Well, the dense flocks of atherina, anchovy and mullet are pleasantly impressive," says the ecologist.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, at the beginning of July, the reasons became known mass killing of fish in the southern regions of Ukraine.

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