The corpses of plague pigs were dumped right on the bank of the Prut River in Chernivtsi Тулюлюк Олександр

The corpses of plague pigs were dumped right on the bank of the Prut River in Chernivtsi

Anna Velyka

The police are looking for who did this

On June 9, local residents noticed a dump of pig carcasses on the bank of the Prut River in Chernivtsi. 12 animals, cut into pieces, turned out to be infected with a dangerous disease – African swine fever. A quarantine was declared in the city and nearby villages.

Details of this event told the publication ZAXID.NET.

About the dangerous discovery near the monastery and a small farm local residents reported to the police. According to them, there was a very pungent odor from the dump, so it is assumed that the carcasses of pigs dumped here a few days before.

Law enforcers appealed to the State Consumer Service. On June 10, its experts found out that the pigs were sick with plague, a very dangerous and incurable infectious disease that affects pigs.

“Most likely, someone brought these carcasses to the island; the water could not carry them ashore. There were no markings on the carcasses,” said the first deputy head of the State Food and Consumer Service in the Chernivtsi region, Angela Kosovan.

Experts destroyed the remains of the animals and disinfected them. Currently, law enforcement officers have opened criminal proceedings and are looking for the perpetrators.

Quarantine was announced in Chernivtsi and nearby villages within a radius of 10 km. Employees of the State Food and Consumer Service will go around all the courtyards of private houses and inspect domestic animals. Residents will have to slaughter all clinically healthy pigs at special slaughterhouses, where they will be sent by commission specialists. 10% of the carcasses of all killed animals will be sent for laboratory testing for African swine fever.

In February, EcoPolitic reported that in Lviv vacant lots were turned into a dump of car tires, plastic and other rubbish.

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