Sparrows have virtually disappeared in Kyiv: ecologist names reasons shutterstock

Sparrows have virtually disappeared in Kyiv: ecologist names reasons

Anna Velyka

How, according to the expert, Vitaliy Klitschko is involved, read on

This year, global haymaking in the city and the “glamorization” of parks have caused a massive disappearance of sparrows in the capital.

This observation was made by Volodymyr Boreiko, director of the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center (KECC), an ecologist.

According to KECC experts, the number of sparrows has dropped by 50 times or more compared to previous years. This will lead to an environmental disaster, as Kyiv's parks may be destroyed due to the disappearance of sparrows, the ecologist says. He explains this sad forecast by the fact that without these birds, pests will destroy parks and gardens.

"There are no sparrows, which means that the chestnut moth, which destroys trees and bushes, is a real disaster. After all, it is precisely because of it that red spots appear on the leaves," explains Volodymyr Boreyko.

The disappearance of these birds, according to the director of the KECC, is due to two main reasons:

1. "Glamourization" of Kyiv parks.

The expert explains that when old hollow trees are cut down, sparrows have nowhere to nest.

2. Systematic mowing of grass.

"In fact, what "Kyivzelenbud" and ZHEK are doing in Kyiv with the help of mowing hay is real ecocide," Boreyko is indignant.

It provokes the disappearance of insects that cannot live in lawns cut almost "below zero". And this, in turn, affects the young sparrows – chicks that are just learning to fly, because they feed on insects.

"The construction of green zones, the glamorization of parks, the idiotic global mowing of hay are all examples of blatant anti-environmental policy, which has been carried out in Kyiv by Klitschko for many years," concluded Volodymyr Boreyko.

In June, EcoPolitic reported that the Kyiv Council did not bother at the suggestion of Kyiv residents to stop mowing lawns "below zero".

In July, we reported that Ukrainian communities are facing abnormal heat refuse from mowing the grass. And we also advised the Ukrainians 8 ways wisely use grass clippings instead of burning.

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