Solar power plants save Ukrainians from power outages during the day shutterstock

Solar power plants save Ukrainians from power outages during the day

Anna Velyka

Green energy puts its shoulder to help the power system

Ukrainian solar power plants generate about a third of the electricity the country needs in sunny weather.

These data were released by Concorde Capital analyst Oleksandr Parashchiy.

This explains the absence of power outages for household and industrial consumers during the daytime, despite the high demand for electricity. But in the evening, solar generation gradually comes to naught as the sun goes down. Consumption, on the other hand, reaches its second daily maximum. At this time, all generation that does not depend on the weather tries to operate at maximum capacity: hydroelectric power plants, pumped storage plants, and thermal power plants are turned on at full capacity.

However, given the significant degree of damage to Ukraine's power generating capacities, this may not be enough to meet the existing demand. Sometimes even imports of electricity from neighboring countries do not help to cover this need. That is why we still have partial blackouts in the evenings. Paraschiy

The analyst draws attention to the fact that solar generation is very dependent on the weather. Thus, cloudiness reduces the output of a separate SES several times: Paraschiy

So in summer, on hot, cloudy days, when electricity consumption will be high (because everyone will turn on the air conditioners) and the sun will add little to the generation, there may be a shortage of electricity even in the middle of the day. And if during the day, during the peak hours of SPP generation, it is not possible to "pump" solar energy into water energy at the GANPP, then, accordingly, there will be problems with its supply in the evening as well.

Paraschii predicts that in the autumn-winter period, it may be a little easier, because the entire generation will go through the repair season, partially recover from the shocks and increase the available capacity. They will also increase the speed of the CHP plant.

"But it is better to prepare for something that will not be easy. Electricity must be consumed responsibly. And this means that each of us must adopt a rule: in any period of time (except on a sunny day), the switching on and operation of powerful household electrical appliances must be strictly and scrupulously alternated," the analyst concluded.

At the beginning of May, EсoPolitiс reported that the state will reimburse Ukrainians for the costs of domestic SPPs.

We also talked about how war changes the scale and geography of Ukrainian solar generation facilities.

About which 7 countries in the world produce almost 100% of energy from renewable sources, EcoPolitic wrote in April.

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