SBI exposes officials who gave forest land to private sand quarry

SBI exposes officials who gave forest land to private sand quarry

Anna Velyka

As a result, the state suffered losses of more than UAH 5.5 million

In Poltava region, the State Bureau of Investigation served two officials with a notice of suspicion: the deputy director of the Institute of Land Use of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine and the head of a local community in Poltava region. By prior conspiracy, they illegally transferred 25 hectares of state forestry land for the development of a sand quarry.

This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation.

The scheme was as follows:

  1. The head of the community asks his accomplice – the deputy director of the Institute of Land Use – to develop such technical documentation that would allow changing the purpose of the forest fund lands.
  2. After receiving a ready-made package of documents, the official approves it at the session, using his own influence on the deputies.
  3. Later, the land was transferred to private ownership by 15 fictitious persons.
  4. They, in turn, sell it to "the right people".

The court has already seized the illegally alienated lands. Currently, the issue of their return to state ownership is being resolved.

Two businessmen-officials were informed of the suspicion of abuse of official position, which caused serious consequences (Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). They can receive punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 6 years.

The other day, EcoPolitic reported that NABU and SAP conducted a search of the prosecutor of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office.

In March, we told how in Lviv Oblast they revealed the scheme of a deputy of the village council to appropriate land and property of the forest farm.

The most high-profile environmental violations occurred on March 1-7. Digest
The most high-profile environmental violations occurred on March 1-7. Digest

All of the published cases have already gone to court, and some of them have already been sentenced

Law enforcement officers visit the department of environmental protection of the Kyiv City State Administration
Law enforcement officers visit the department of environmental protection of the Kyiv City State Administration

Inspections of units of the Kyiv City State Administration and communal enterprises have already become permanent