Representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources discussed the reform of the natural reserve sphere shutterstock

Representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources discussed the reform of the natural reserve sphere

Katerina Belousova

The new draft law "On the management of nature protected areas" takes into account some of the proposals received

Representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources held a working meeting with employees of national parks and reserves, where they discussed the draft law “On Improving the efficiency of management of nature protection areas and objects of the natural reserve fund.

The meeting also discussed the development of ecotourism, the introduction of an electronic ticket for visitors to national parks, a unified electronic accounting of timber, etc., the Ministry of Natural Resources reports on Telegram

It is noted that the event was attended by Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Grechanik, Advisor to the Minister Tatyana Timochko and Director of the Department of Natural Reserve Fund and Biodiversity Eduard Arustamyan.

Arustamyan stressed that the text of the draft law contains part of the proposals received. The document is intended to introduce international standards on the territory of Ukrainian national parks, in particular, ecosystem services.

The press service noted that at the meeting they also presented the experience of using an electronic ticket for visitors to the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve and the Dniester Canyon National Park.

In addition, the participants discussed the introduction of a unified electronic accounting of timber in the places where timber harvesting is performed. As well as the importance of NRF institutions observing a single visual style and strengthening communication with scientific institutions, public organizations, local communities and international organizations.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources presented a new bill "On increasing the efficiency of management of nature conservation territories and objects of the nature reserve fund (NRF)".

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