The agenda of the Ecocommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for August 30 appeared

The agenda of the Ecocommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for August 30 appeared

Katerina Belousova

People's deputies will consider the report on the work of the Ecocommittee for the period of the ninth session of the Verkhovna Rada

On Wednesday, August 30, a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management will be held via videoconference at 13:00.

EcoPolitics has prepared the committee's agenda for its readers.

People's deputies will consider government bills regarding which the committee is determined as the main one:

  • draft law No. 6513 "On revising the conclusion of the Committee dated May 19, 2023 to the draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Hydrometeorological Activities" to improve the production of hydrometeorological activities in Ukraine";
  • draft law No. 9470 "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine to Improve the Issues of Protection and Use of Fauna and Flora";
  • draft law No. 9219 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Delimitation of Powers of Central Executive Authorities in the Field of Industrial Safety, Labor Protection, Occupational Health, Handling of Explosives, State Mining Supervision, State Supervision and Control over Compliance with Legislation on labor and employment of the population”;
  • bill No. 9458 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine in Connection with the Adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine 'On the Prevention of Corruption' to Improve Certain Anti-Corruption Mechanisms".

In addition, the Ecocommittee must submit its proposals to the government bill No. 9457 "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the Prevention of Corruption" to Improve Certain Anti-Corruption Mechanisms".

People's deputies will also consider report on the work of the Ecocommittee for the period of the ninth session of the Verkhovna Rada of the ninth convocation.

Recall that on July 4, a meeting of the Working Group of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management was held to develop legislative initiatives to implement EU norms and recommendations into Ukrainian legislation.

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The Ecocommittee supported the National Program for Radioactive Waste Management
The Ecocommittee supported the National Program for Radioactive Waste Management

Among other things, it involves conducting state inventory of this type of waste