Sewage has been pouring into the reservoir under occupied Donetsk for weeks Shutterstock

Sewage has been pouring into the reservoir under occupied Donetsk for weeks

Katerina Belousova

The office of the water company is located 800 m from the source of the leak

Under occupied Donetsk, the Makiiv reservoir is polluted by sewage from an emergency pipe.

Effluent enters the reservoir through a cascade of ponds in which fish have already died, and the water itself has turned green with an unpleasant smell, reports Donbas News.

It is noted that local residents discovered the pollution back in mid-October. At that time, the fish in the ponds were still alive. However, due to increasing pollution, a mass plague occurred in November.

Residents of Makiivka explained that the sewage falls into the stream, and from there into the ponds.

"The smell was not transmitted, the color of the water in the pond at the Post is gray-green. We did not dare to go further after landing. It is 800 meters from the place of the leak to the office of the water company. Consequences of the discharge of sewage into the pond. The picture was taken on October 11, the fish is gasping for air, suffocating in the water the color of the scum. Currently, all the fish in the ponds have died," the locals said.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that Russians take garbage from the Rostov Region to landfills for household waste in the occupied Donetsk region.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, Russian scientists confirmed the rapid increase in the salinity of the Sea of Azov, which has already almost equaled the indicators of the Black Sea. In occupied Mariupol, the Russians blocked the rivers, which is causing an ecological catastrophe.

Mariupol because of the indifference of the invaders is buried in sewage. Photo
Mariupol because of the indifference of the invaders is buried in sewage. Photo

The problem has reached such a scale that even the pseudo-head of the city had to admit it

Occupation authorities brought Mariupol to environmental collapse, – city council
Occupation authorities brought Mariupol to environmental collapse, – city council

At the same time, the occupiers do not even try to eliminate the problems that they themselves have caused

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Environmental damage caused by shelling of Kurakhovska TPP amounts to almost UAH 1 billion

The information has already been transferred to the Operational Headquarters for the formation of a single register of losses

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Restoration of protected forests in Donetsk region begins despite active hostilities

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