
In Ukraine the PAEU proposed to adapt the ATS procedure to martial law
In Ukraine the PAEU proposed to adapt the ATS procedure to martial law

Under martial law, the actual implementation of environmental impact assessment is not possible

Ukrainian women in the woodworking industry want to attract more trade partners from the EU
Ukrainian women in the woodworking industry want to attract more trade partners from the EU

In 2022, the Ukrainian economy will shrink by 45% due to the Russian invasion and the humanitarian crisis

In South Africa, more wheat was harvested in reclaimed mines than from virgin land
In South Africa, more wheat was harvested in reclaimed mines than from virgin land

Wheat does not contain heavy metals, but iron and zinc levels, which are usually lacking in African diets, are slightly higher than tolerance levels

American scientists have found a way to destroy plastic in just a day
American scientists have found a way to destroy plastic in just a day

In the natural environment, PET can decompose for centuries

Elon Musk presented Tesla Powerwall solar panels to outpatient clinics of Kyiv region. Photo
Elon Musk presented Tesla Powerwall solar panels to outpatient clinics of Kyiv region. Photo

Such models of solar panels are one of the most powerful in the world

SE Guaranteed Buyer wants to sell "green" electricity produced in Ukraine to Europe
SE Guaranteed Buyer wants to sell "green" electricity produced in Ukraine to Europe

According to the head of the SE, Europe would be interested in buying Ukrainian electricity from RES

The expert spoke about the prospects of investing in China's environmental initiatives
The expert spoke about the prospects of investing in China's environmental initiatives

Investors can count on fruitful climate opportunities in China

40% of the world's land is depleted: the UN named the reasons
40% of the world's land is depleted: the UN named the reasons

If humanity does not take any measures and trends continue, by 2050 this figure will reach 55%

In Canada, invented eco-concrete from waste, which is stronger than usual
In Canada, invented eco-concrete from waste, which is stronger than usual

The innovation will capture up to 20 tons of CO2 per day

In Spain, the company sells components from old appliances and makes furniture from garbage
In Spain, the company sells components from old appliances and makes furniture from garbage

Загальний дохід компанії у 2021 році склав близько €800 000 євро, а у 2022 році має збільшитися на 35%

6 cities from India, Costa Rica and Kenya will start decarbonizing buildings
6 cities from India, Costa Rica and Kenya will start decarbonizing buildings

Decarbonisation of buildings should be a key pillar of global emission reduction efforts

Europe is preparing investments in decarbonization in response to climate change and the Russian war
Europe is preparing investments in decarbonization in response to climate change and the Russian war

The geopolitical rationale for reducing dependence on fossil fuel imports from Russia coincides with the imperative to combat climate change