The law was passed on February 15
Ground-based wind farms today produce about 10% of French energy
Air quality is worst in the Eastern Mediterranean and Southeast Asia
The need to accelerate the transition to clean energy is becoming more acute due to climate forecasts
Limiting methane emissions could be one of the simplest and most effective immediate measures to slow climate change
The government will subsidize the transition of households to new energy systems
With a war going on in Ukraine, Europe cannot afford to cause further misunderstandings and the Green Deal should unite the countries
In parallel, the number of free carbon permits for European companies will be reduced by 25%
In particular, the environmental impact assessment procedure is abolished for some activities
The main risk factor is whether farmers in Ukraine will be able to harvest crops in June
If power is not restored in time, control of nuclear and radiation safety at the plant will be lost
The zoo has no light, heat, fuel or communication with the outside world