The perpetrators violated Article 364 of the Criminal Code on abuse of power or official position
It is necessary to protect every, even the smallest energy resource
This is already the 5th method of determining the damage caused to the Ukrainian environment by the actions of Russian aggression
In Ukraine, more than 550 MW of SES capacities were damaged or destroyed due to Russian aggression
Currently, one grid solar station for 20 kW costs $13,000 - 15,000
The coming weeks will show what compromise the parties will reach on the CBAM issue
Nature defenders also draw attention to the fact that burning raw wood pollutes the air — in this form, it emits more toxic particles
One of the startups makes paper from fallen leaves to keep trees alive
Residents of Kharkiv drew attention to another building in the recreation area in mid-October, around which signs with the inscription "Beware of mines" were installed.
Currently, there are 36 varieties of energy plants in Ukraine that can be grown in all agro-climatic zones
First of all, Ukrainian society should perceive the "green" recovery of Ukraine as the only possible one
The event will take place in Brussels on November 22-23