
Replacing the lamps has already helped reduce electricity consumption

Most of the provisions of the draft law are aimed at limiting or narrowing such public participation

This is the first waste processing plant in Ukraine built with the money of private investors

Demining of Ukraine will continue for years, and the need for metal detectors is high

The territories were transferred under the guise of agricultural lands

Differences in greenhouse gas emissions within countries and regions began to become more significant than between countries

The environmental consequences of building such a monster resort will outweigh any short-term benefits

Germany wants to triple the share of photovoltaic sources of electricity in 10 years

From the first days of the full-scale invasion, Ukraine faced unprecedented nuclear terror

Natalka Park was positioned as a park without commerce in any form

Algae have significant potential for the production of "green" fuel

Thanks to SES, residents will be provided with heat and hot water even in conditions of power outages