
Eco-violators compensated 777 thousand hryvnias of damages

The perpetrators sold 1,800 tons of covering mixture made from peat

The operation of the SPP was synchronized with a 100 kW generator

There are up to 5 thousand ducks in one flock

Africa receives only 12% of the funding it needs to tackle the effects of climate change

Only 9 out of 13 humanitarian hubs sort waste, and 6 reuse packaging

The total amount of precipitation in the Kherson region reaches 400 millimeters per year

The most polluted air was found at the intersection of St. Volodymyr Veliky and st. 80th Airborne Assault Brigade

MPUV is the third of the four levels of waste management planning in Ukraine established by the waste reform

Among other things, there are no changes in the information and technological cards for obtaining a permit for emissions

1440 air samples were analyzed in the observatory

The document provides for the addition of 2 articles to the Administrative Code