
The Ecocommittee recommended that the Verkhovna Rada adopt draft law No. 9116 "On forest reproductive resources" as a basis

It will take 10 years to clean the territory of the former Radykal plant from mercury

The updated procedure made it possible to shorten the terms of the ATS and change the methods of informing the public

The customer must protect 322 hectares of the floodplain of the Desna River

Businesses had only 16 working days to obtain new licenses, instead of at least two months

It is expedient to design the parameters of the Ukrainian ETS system as close as possible to the European model

Approximately 80% of toys end up in the trash every year

By 2030, the EU must add 30 GW of new wind power capacity every year

Only in December 2023, 94 tons of waste were removed from the territory of the enterprise, including approximately 30 tons of highly contaminated soil

Metallurgical slag sections are 32% cheaper than traditional ones

Dangerous air quality was recorded by 3 monitoring stations

The meeting will consider the work plan of the Eco Committee for the period of the eleventh session of the Verkhovna Rada