A KAMAZ truck with illegal wood was seized in Transcarpathia shutterstock

A KAMAZ truck with illegal wood was seized in Transcarpathia

Katerina Belousova

The investigation is ongoing

In Transcarpathia, near Rakhov, the police seized a truck "KAMAZ" with a trailer with illegal wood.

The information about the wood specified in the documents was false – with a lower cubic mass and grade of wood, the Police of the Zakarpattia region reported on Facebook.

It is noted that according to the documents, the driver was transporting 53 spruce trunks with a total weight of about 19 cubic meters. The police seized the truck and the wood for a detailed examination and examination.

"Investigators of the Rakhiv District Police Department entered information into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations with the legal qualification of Part 1 of Art. 246 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine," the message reads.

The press service said that the law enforcement officers will establish the origin of the wood. The investigation in the case continues.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Ukraine, a pilot project was launched in several branches of the state-owned enterprise "Forests of Ukraine", which will make it impossible to manipulate the waybills for illegal timber. From now on, the TTN control system will be strengthened thanks to adding photos of loaded logs, because the pattern of folded wood is unique, it is almost impossible to duplicate it.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in Transcarpathia, eco-inspectors discovered illegal cutting of trees in Khust region for 1.52 million hryvnias and in the regional landscape park "Prytisyanskyi" for 0.5 million hryvnias.

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