Black loggers were caught in a photo trap in Volyn

Black loggers were caught in a photo trap in Volyn

Katerina Belousova

A similar situation recently occurred in the branch's Toboliv Forestry

In Volyn, in the Ratniv Forestry Farm, a camera caught the fact of illegal felling of wood, which caused damages in the amount of almost 50 thousand hryvnias.

In 2023, with the help of camera traps, it was already possible to record about 100 incidents of forest violations, reports the Polissky Forestry Office on Facebook.

The report emphasized that the violators did not know about the recording and fled the scene.

"The police worked on the spot, the car and timber products were seized, the investigation is ongoing," the foresters said.

It is noted that a similar situation recently occurred in the Toboliv Forestry of the "Kamin-Kashir Forestry" branch. A protocol was drawn up on the fact.

The message added that another fact of violation was established in July by the operatives of the operational response group in the Borovna Forestry of the Kamin-Kashirsk branch.

It is noted that cases where the amount of damage is significant and exceeds 26 thousand hryvnias are handed over to the police. According to all other facts, forest violators pay fines and damages, the funds from which go to the budgets of communities.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Zakarpattia, on the nature reserve of one of the sanatoriums near Mukachevo, eco-inspectors found cutting down 30 oak trees, which caused damage in the amount of 7.4 million hryvnias. According to the instructions of the management, the park guards closed the entrance to the territory in order to prevent the work of eco-inspectors and the police.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in Zakarpattia, eco-inspectors involved border guards to detect environmental violations.

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In Zakarpattia, foresters are massively cutting down forest for the construction of an illegal road – media

Journalists call the company "Wind Parks of Ukraine" the main beneficiary from this project. 

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The Economic Committee supported the draft law No. 4197-d

This document belongs to European integration