In the village of Bilokrynytsia, Ternopil region, a house that is more than 130 years old and was almost in an emergency condition was insulated. Thermal modernization was carried out at the expense of the state and residents.
The project was completed during martial law, according to the website Energy Efficiency Fund.
It is noted that it is a relatively small, two-story house with four entrances, in which 10 families live. They got together and made a joint decision and applied for participation in the "Energodim" program.
The co-owners chose package B "Complex", according to which the following works were performed:
- a complex of works on thermal insulation and arrangement of external walls, attic (technical floor) and roof;
- replacement or repair of external doors and/or arrangement of external entrance vestibules;
- replacement or repair of window blocks and balcony door blocks in the premises (places) of general use of the building;
- a complex of works on the modernization and arrangement of the lighting system in the premises (places) of general use of the building;
- a set of works on thermal insulation and installation of external walls below ground level;
- replacement or repair of window blocks and balcony door blocks in apartments, insulation and glazing of existing balconies and loggias.
"Obviously, the aesthetic transformation of our house is impressive. In addition to the fact that it has become beautiful and comfortable to live in, it is, of course, now energy efficient. Last winter, the project was not yet completed, but we have already received significant savings compared to previous heating seasons. We have individual heating and, for example, an apartment with an area of 44 square meters used 602 cubic meters of gas for heating in the winter period of 2020-2021, and 303 cubic meters in the winter period of 2021-2022, an apartment with an area of 65.5 square meters. m used 585 cubic meters and 368 cubic meters, respectively, that is, gas consumption was almost halved," said Lyudmila Kryvyk, the head of the board of the Whitr House 39 condominium.
Main indicators of the "WHITE HOUSE 39" condominium project
The total cost of the project - UAH 2.1 million, of which UAH 1.5 million is the amount of the Energy Efficiency Fund grant.
Own contribution of co-owners in total makes approximately 635,4 thousand UAH;
The cost of works for one apartment with an area of 60 sq/m2 is 63.6 thousand UAH or 1060.7 UAH/m2.
Duration of the project - 20 months, the co-owners applied for participation in October 2020, and the implementation of this project was completed (application for verification was approved) in June 2022.
How much they will save now
Projected reduction in energy consumption , calculated by the energy auditor - 30.5%;
Estimated annual cost savings for heating needs for the entire building is UAH 55.2 thousand/year;
Declared annual reduction of CO2 emissions – 9.0 tons/year;
Each family (apartment with an area of 60 sq/m2) will save on average UAH 5.5 thousand/year or UAH 92.12/m2.
As reported Ecopolitic earlier, despite the war in Rivne they completed the previously started energy modernization project of the old building, in which the "Promin-Rivne" condominium was created.