350 trees were cut down on the outskirts of Uzhhorod

350 trees were cut down on the outskirts of Uzhhorod

Katerina Belousova

Materials about the offense were sent to the police

In Uzhgorod, eco-inspectors discovered 350 illegally cut trees, which caused damages of about 170 thousand hryvnias.

One of the state-owned enterprises located in Uzhgorod is probably involved in the felling, the State Environmental Inspection in Zakarpattia Oblast reports on Facebook.

It is noted that trees were destroyed on Krymska and Velikokamyanska streets.


The state-owned company did not agree with the State Inspection Service.

The eco-inspectors said that they called an investigative-operational group of police officers to the scene of the incident, which should find out the circumstances regarding the persons involved in cutting down the wood.

"Materials about the mentioned offense have been sent to the police of the city of Uzhgorod, which must enter the relevant information into the EDPR and conduct an investigation," they emphasized.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that Yuliya Yatsyk, a member of the People's Deputy and a member of the Temporary Investigative Commission on Illegal Cutting of Forests in Zakarpattia Oblast, suspected officials from the region Prosecutor's Office of being involved in forest mafia schemes.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in Lviv, 167 trees were illegally cut down on the territory of the hospital in the Sykhiv district. This caused 209.4 thousand hryvnias of damage to the environment.

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