Lviv region is trying to fire the new scandalous head of the State Inspectorate shutterstock

Lviv region is trying to fire the new scandalous head of the State Inspectorate

Katerina Belousova

Deputies demand to withdraw the order on the appointment of Stepa and hold a public competition for this position

Deputies of the Lviv Regional Council criticized the appointment of Oleksandr Stepa to the position of head of the Regional State Environmental Inspection.

Shtepa was appointed to the plantation without a special public competition, except that he was a native of the Russian Federation and had previously worked at the stone settlements in the organs of the State Automobile Inspectorate (DAI), said the website of Lviv Council.

It is noted that the deputies at the regional council session accepted the appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Inspectorate.

"We, the deputies of the Lviv Regional Council, are deeply concerned and condemn the appointment of officials with dubious reputations and without a public competition to leadership positions," the appeal reads. Oleksandr Stepa

Deputies demand to withdraw the order of the at. Ihor Zubovych, head of the State Inspectorate, regarding the appointment of Stepa and to hold a public competition for this position.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in April the Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management expressed no confidence in Ihor Zubovich, the acting head of the State Environmental Inspection, after his report on the results of work for the year.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the employees of the Karpatskyi National Nature Park were outraged by the dismissal of the head of Volodymyr Solobodian and the appointment of a new head Stepan Goshovskyi.

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