Lviv City Hall shows what the Hrybovychi landfill looks like now

Lviv City Hall shows what the Hrybovychi landfill looks like now

Anna Velyka

The Lviv communal enterprise "Green City" promises that in a few years the former landfill will turn into a real green zone, safe for people to relax

The technical phase of Gribovitsky landfill reclamation is nearing completion. The next phase will begin in July, when the “dome” will be covered with a fertile layer of soil and trees will be planted.

This was reported by the Lviv City Council.

After the tragedy that occurred at this site on May 30, 2016, the landfill was closed. At that time, 4 people died under the rubble – an environmental engineer of the Lviv municipal enterprise Zbyranka and three rescuers who were extinguishing a large-scale fire that broke out on May 28.

Following these events, the city authorities ordered the development of a project for integrated municipal solid waste management, which included landfill reclamation, leachate treatment, and the construction of a waste processing plant.

According to the project, the landfill reclamation consists of 2 phases. The first phase, technical reclamation, is due to be completed at the end of July this year. During this time, the builders will complete the repurposing and terracing of the landfill body to prevent future landslides.

The "dome" of the landfill has already been covered with a membrane to prevent precipitation from seeping in from the outside and landfill gases from entering the air.

A rainwater drainage and leachate collection system was also installed. In addition, 33 vertical wells were installed for the extraction of gas produced at the landfill. Electricity is produced from it.

After the completion of technical reclamation, it is planned to start the second phase of work on the landfill: to completely cover the body of the landfill with a fertile layer of soil and to plant green plantations. These works will last approximately until March 2025.

"And in the future, the Hrybovytskyi landfill will become a continuous green zone, like a square. Therefore, after all these works, our descendants will not know that there was a landfill here. It will be a park area where you can relax," says Nazariy Kyryleyza, head of the project implementation department of the "Green City" LLP.

He also added that the construction part of the future waste processing plant has already been completed by 63%, and in general, the entire project, together with the equipment, has already been implemented by 43%.

A detailed analysis of the causes of the tragedy and Lviv's environmental problems related to garbage was provided by EcoPolitics in its article "5 years after the Hrybovytskyi tragedy: promises, garbage scams, courts and "journeys" of Lviv garbage".

In May 2022, we reported that landfill degassing was underway at the landfill near Lviv. EсoPolitiс also told that waste processing plant in Lviv was planned to be completed by the end of 2023.

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