"It only brings trouble": in the Lviv region extinguished 2 more fires from burning grass. Photo facebook.com/LVIVDSNS

"It only brings trouble": in the Lviv region extinguished 2 more fires from burning grass. Photo

Katerina Belousova

Ecosystem fires can have serious consequences

During the day of June 18, rescuers twice extinguished fires in the Lviv region, which set fires to dry land.

The fire destroyed dry grass and bushes on a total area of ​​800 square meters and garbage on an area of ​​5 square meters, according to the Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies in Lviv region on Facebook.

4 rescuers and 1 unit of special equipment were involved to eliminate the fire in the open area in Zhovkva, Lviv district. The fire destroyed dry grass in separate areas of 500 square meters and garbage.

Also 4 rescuers and 1 unit of special equipment extinguished the fire in the town of Gorodok.




“Rescuers of Lviv region once again remind that burning garbage, dry grass, shrubs and other vegetation is prohibited and is punishable by a fine: for citizens from UAH 3,060 to UAH 6,120, for officials from UAH 15,300 to UAH 21,420. ", - noted in the SES.

The material also stressed that fires in ecosystems can have serious consequences, including the uncontrolled spread of fire to residential buildings and nearby buildings, the destruction of the fertile soil layer, the death of animals and, moreover, fire can take lives.

"Have common sense and understand that such management brings only trouble," - rescuers sound the alarm.


We will remind, in the Lviv region due to burning by dry land day burned 14 hectares of land.

As EcoPolitics reported earlier, Ukrainian rescuers for the day of June 16 extinguished 50 wildfires.

A garbage dump caught fire near Rivne
A garbage dump caught fire near Rivne

Firefighters were notified of the fire today at 08:22

14 forest fires rage in Kharkiv region, most of them caused by Russian shelling
14 forest fires rage in Kharkiv region, most of them caused by Russian shelling

Mines and unexploded ammunition add to the difficulties in the fight against them

In Transcarpathia, rescuers eliminated a large-scale forest fire for 6 hours
In Transcarpathia, rescuers eliminated a large-scale forest fire for 6 hours

125 people and 17 pieces of equipment were involved