Interpipe presented a new environmental policy

Interpipe presented a new environmental policy

Anna the Great

It was developed taking into account the most relevant international practices

On Friday, September 13, the Ukrainian industrial company Interpipe submitted its environmental policy project to the ESG League (PAEW) expert council.

About this writes GMK Center, referring to the press service of the enterprise.

‘Interpipe’s environmental policy clearly articulates the fundamental elements of our approach and how we fulfil our environmental commitments. The provisions of this policy are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, relevant codes and programmes, and other company policies,’ said Vladislav Varnavsky, Interpipe’s Director of Environment and Industrial Safety, during a presentation of the environmental policy in a hybrid format to experts in Kyiv on Friday.

Varnavskyi emphasized that  the company is developing its environmental policy in line with international practices, involving its employees, environmental experts, representatives of state and local authorities, business partners, NGOs and professional associations.

‘We are ready to take into account the wishes of all stakeholders affected by our influence,’ the director of ecology emphasized.

Also, during the meeting of the ESG Liga’s Board of Experts (PAEW), the ESG Liga summed up the results of summer activities, formed an interaction plan for the next six months, and discussed proposals for community development.

According to Varnavsky, together with the experts, they reviewed the applied ESG case of Interpipe, which has not only declared but is also ready to demonstrate openness in the gradual formation of its ESG strategy, starting with the first stage – the draft environmental policy.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrpte, that "Interpipe" stated that in the conditions of wartime, Ukrainian the state does not offer no help to domestic producers, but on the contrary – puts businesses in an even more difficult position, introducing a system of trading greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the eco-tax on CO2.

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