In Kyiv, environmental activists managed to protect more than 5 hectares of green space from development shutterstock

In Kyiv, environmental activists managed to protect more than 5 hectares of green space from development

Anna Velyka

The developer refused the previously filed appeal

Representatives of the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center (KECC) won a lawsuit against the Khotivsky agricultural plant, which wanted to build on 5.3 hectares of green space near the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in Pyrohiv. The Kyiv Commercial Court ruled in favor of the activists and the Kyiv City Council, who opposed the development.

The activists reported this on the Center's Facebook page.

The environmentalists said that the area in question is part of the open-air museum's protection zone. Together with Kyiv City Council member Ksenia Semenova, they proposed to create a nature reserve called Goncharivska Hora.

Activists say that the developer tried to get the land through the courts and filed a lawsuit against the Kyiv City Council.

"We know that lawyers of the Kyiv City Council often lose to developers in court for well-known reasons, that's why KECC entered the court as a third party," they said.

After the Kyiv Economic Court sided with environmentalists and the city authorities, the developer filed an appeal.

"But then, apparently, having decided that they would still lose to us in court, they abandoned this appeal," said the KEKC.

In May, EcoPolitic reported that in the Kyiv region ecologists of KECC saved the forest and the Geonaut cave from development.

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