Environmental requirements section added to Prozorro Infobox

Environmental requirements section added to Prozorro Infobox

Anna Velyka

It provides for the possibility of receiving free consultations

The information resource Infobox on Prozorro has been supplemented with a new section "Environmental Requirements", which is intended to simplify the life of both customers and suppliers.

This was reported by the All-Ukrainian public organization Living Planet on Facebook.

This section contains information on:

  • legislative requirements for environmental characteristics of the subject of procurement;
  • recommended requirements for energy efficiency and environmental protection measures in case of application of non-price criteria;
  • life cycle cost assessment method;
  • examples of the above-mentioned requirements for different categories of goods and services, together with methodological recommendations and procurement references that demonstrate successful practice of their application.

Using a new section customers will be able to improve purchasing efficiency, as well as choose safer products, reduce resource consumption and environmental impact.

Suppliers , in turn, will be able to find out what certificates and markings and under what conditions the customer can request when he purchases goods and services of various categories. The results of appeals procedures will also be useful.

The developers promise that the section will be constantly updated. Also, experts of the NGO "Living Planet" called on customers and suppliers to send their questions in order to receive free consultations from them.

In February 2022, EcoPolitic reported that VGO "Living Planet", Prozorro and an expert group concluded an agreement on the development of software to highlight the requirements for the environmental characteristics of the procurement item in a separate open electronic field of the e-tender documentation.

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