The differences in the path to energy-efficient industry in Ukraine and the EU shutterstock

The differences in the path to energy-efficient industry in Ukraine and the EU

Katerina Belousova

Some large enterprises have already begun to comply with the standard for the implementation of SEM

In Ukraine, to increase the energy efficiency of the industrial sector, enterprises will have to conduct an energy audit or implement energy management systems (EMS).

However, in the EU, to achieve this goal, EN 16247 or ISO 50002 standards are used, the expert of the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) Valentina Guch-Denysenko reports on Facebook.

"I hope that we will not come up with something new, but will follow the general logic of implementing EU directives," she emphasized.

Guch-Denysenko noted that the state has already adopted all the standards regarding SEM. And large enterprises, of which there are about 400 in Ukraine, must conduct an energy audit or implement a SEM by November 14, 2024.

She emphasized that in order to increase the energy efficiency of the industrial sector, the Ministry of Community and Territorial Development is also developing the procedure and forms of the energy audit report and is currently conducting public discussions of this document.

The expert emphasized that some large enterprises have begun to comply with the standard for the implementation of SEM. Currently, 133 energy management tenders have already been registered on the Prozorro platform.

As EcoPolitic reported before, the European Business Association called for finalization of 3 principle points in draft law No. 6004-d "On ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens to an environment safe for life and health." This is necessary for the successful implementation of the reform in the field of industrial pollution.

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