
Animals and plants are not yet in time: how the Ministry of Environment protects biodiversity
Animals and plants are not yet in time: how the Ministry of Environment protects biodiversity

The biodiversity protection strategy and the law on the territories of the Emerald Network have not yet been adopted

Ministry of Environment and Soils: the land is at the mercy of farmers
Ministry of Environment and Soils: the land is at the mercy of farmers

Since 2010, the amount of applied fertilizers has more than doubled, but the law is lagging behind

Environmental policy of Ukraine during the war: achievements and failures of the year
Environmental policy of Ukraine during the war: achievements and failures of the year

In Ukraine, there are difficulties with the implementation of already launched ecoreforms

International biosafety standards for GMOs will be introduced in Ukraine
International biosafety standards for GMOs will be introduced in Ukraine

It will also help Ukraine restore biodiversity lost due to the war

We plant billioN and lose billioNS: how the Ministry of Environment protects the forest fund
We plant billioN and lose billioNS: how the Ministry of Environment protects the forest fund

War has been added to corruption, which systematically destroys forests, and the ministry remains aloof

Mercury thermometers will soon disappear from sale in Ukraine
Mercury thermometers will soon disappear from sale in Ukraine

Production processes that use mercury or its compounds will be gradually stopped in the country

Online permits for subsoil use have been launched in Ukraine
Online permits for subsoil use have been launched in Ukraine

The electronic cabinet will allow enterprises to get a number of advantages

The Ecocommittee recommended the Council to adopt a number of environmental draft laws
The Ecocommittee recommended the Council to adopt a number of environmental draft laws

The ratification of the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Additional Protocol is an important step for the preservation of nature in Ukraine

Ukraine and Lithuania signed an agreement on energy efficiency and decarbonization
Ukraine and Lithuania signed an agreement on energy efficiency and decarbonization

Ukraine is interested in Lithuania's experience in the development of bioenergy

Ukrainian-style decarbonization: will it be possible to adapt EU practices?
Ukrainian-style decarbonization: will it be possible to adapt EU practices?

Some EU countries also have their own decarbonization funds, somewhat similar to the Ukrainian one

The Ministry of Environment has published new BTM for glass and ceramic producers
The Ministry of Environment has published new BTM for glass and ceramic producers

The Ministry of Environment will discuss the translated NDTM with the public