
The 2024 state budget included a decarbonization fund of UAH 759 million
The 2024 state budget included a decarbonization fund of UAH 759 million

The size of the environmental tax for CO2 emissions remained unchanged – UAH 30 per ton

The agenda of the EcoCommittee for September 18
The agenda of the EcoCommittee for September 18

People's deputies will consider draft law No. 9484 "On scrap metal"

Cabinet of Minister approved the long-awaited draft law "On packaging and packaging waste"
Cabinet of Minister approved the long-awaited draft law "On packaging and packaging waste"

This will reduce the volume of disposal at landfills and contribute to the transition to a circular economy

The procedure for obtaining an environmental permit will be shortened in Ukraine
The procedure for obtaining an environmental permit will be shortened in Ukraine

Competent bodies must provide their conclusions and proposals within 35 days after the start of the public discussion

State support for investment projects was extended to biogas production
State support for investment projects was extended to biogas production

Investors will be exempted from a number of taxes and import duties

The agenda of the EcoCommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for September 15
The agenda of the EcoCommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for September 15

People's deputies will consider only one bill

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved new rules for public hearings on the EIA
The Cabinet of Ministers has approved new rules for public hearings on the EIA

After the victory, public hearings will be held as usual

The Cabinet of Ministers approved new rules on waste management in communities
The Cabinet of Ministers approved new rules on waste management in communities

MPUV is the third of the four levels of waste management planning in Ukraine established by the waste reform

Environmentalists have pointed to loopholes in the laws that make it impossible to obtain permits for emissions – PAEW
Environmentalists have pointed to loopholes in the laws that make it impossible to obtain permits for emissions – PAEW

Among other things, there are no changes in the information and technological cards for obtaining a permit for emissions

The Cabinet of Ministers submitted a draft law "On administrative responsibility for violations in water drainage"
The Cabinet of Ministers submitted a draft law "On administrative responsibility for violations in water drainage"

The document provides for the addition of 2 articles to the Administrative Code

Ukraine can become an example of sustainable development for the whole world – expert
Ukraine can become an example of sustainable development for the whole world – expert

Sustainable development unites the state, society and economy

The procedure for obtaining a permit for air emissions has been simplified
The procedure for obtaining a permit for air emissions has been simplified

This will save time and resources, as emission inventory reports sometimes contained more than 1,000 pages