What should be done in autumn to keep water bodies clean

What should be done in autumn to keep water bodies clean

Hanna Velyka

Autumn is a good time to pay attention to the condition of rivers and lakes

Cleaning the shores of reservoirs, protecting them from chemical pollution and cleaning sewers and drainage systems can be simple but effective measures to maintain the good condition of water resources.

The Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Regional Military Administration told about 5 steps that will help preserve the purity of water sources.

1. Cleaning the shores of reservoirs.

With the arrival of autumn, it is worth participating in environmental campaigns to clean up garbage on the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds. Fallen leaves, plastic debris and other waste can enter water during winter rains and snowmelt, polluting it.

2. Water protection from chemical pollution.

Do not use excessive amounts of chemicals in gardens and fields near bodies of water. Pesticides and fertilizers can be washed into the water during rains. They will harm aquatic life and contaminate drinking water.

3. Rational use of water at home.

Autumn is the time to prepare the house for winter. Check for leaks in faucets and pipes to avoid excessive water consumption. Less water use will help conserve resources not only in homes, but also in local water bodies.

4. Cleaning of sewers and drainage systems.

In autumn, leaves often clog drainage systems, leading to flooding and water pollution. Regular cleaning of drainage systems will help to avoid this and ensure free passage of water.

5. Preservation of aquatic ecosystems.

Support natural ecosystems by leaving natural thickets along water bodies. They protect the banks from erosion and serve as a filter for pollution.

"Conserving water resources in the fall requires simple but important actions: cleaning the shores, avoiding chemical pollution, rational use of water and support of natural ecosystems. These measures will help preserve the purity of water bodies and ensure a healthy environment for future generations," said the Acting Director. Oksana Viytyk, Director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

Earlier, EcoPolitic told why fallen leaves should be left on the ground, and not burn it.

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