TOP 10 law enforcement in the ecosphere over the past week shutterstock

TOP 10 law enforcement in the ecosphere over the past week

Anna Velyka

Illegal actions against the environment, recorded by eco-inspectors and law enforcement officers, were more diverse than ever

EcoPolitic has collected 10 of the most significant documents about Skoda Dokilla that were published during the period from 10 to 18.

We received information from the prosecutor's office, as well as from the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine.

1. The head of the Lviv region’s quarry was accused of illegal production of goods worth 21 million UAH. By adding pots, we make it possible to create a sandy position between the plots of land, which are designated by a special permit for the cultivation of soils.

2. The indictments of foreigners and members of the evil group were brought before the court for collecting or illegally extracting wood from dry forest plantations, as well as for the pottery of the “Slavic Forest Dominion”, which saturated the land but forestry near the resort area of ​​the Lviv region. In both cases, Skoda is covered for over 3 million UAH.



3. Two Kyiv exhibitors will appear before the court for intentional damage to the reserve "Desnyanski luky". We are talking about officials of JSC "Kyivvodokanal". They face criminal liability for illegal instructions for construction, which was carried out on the territory of the nature reserve in the Desnyan district of Kyiv in the fall of 2022.

Eco-inspectors estimated the damages caused to the nature reserve at 2.6 million UAH.

4. On a bribe of $65,000 "hills" head of the National Nature Park "Khotynskyi" in Bukovyna. He demanded money from the entrepreneur for his signature under documents for the lease of land plots on the territory of the national park.

5. The inspection of the Carpathian District recorded the illegal felling of 66 trees of various species in the "Lany" tract of the Dolyna City Council of the Kaluska District. Damages amounted to 1 million 482 thousand 817 hryvnias. Read more about "black loggers"-recidivists in our material .

6. Prosecutors of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office of the Rivne Regional Prosecutor's Office in court proceedings returned into the state property of the land of the Nobel National Natural Park. Their area is 170.8 hectares, which is comparable to the territory of 240 football fields, and the cost is UAH 3.8 billion. Previously, the Main Directorate of the State Geocadaster in the Rivne region illegally transferred these lands to communal ownership.


7. Eco-inspectors presented a claim to Mykhailo village council in the amount of 1 million 183 thousand 500 UAH for an unauthorized dump of various garbage (municipal and construction waste, plant waste, paper, plastic, etc.) with an area of ​​15,000 square meters. m between the villages of Mykhailivka and Krynychne of the Zaporizhzhia district.

8. In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, in the village of Verkhovyna, the head of the utility company arranged there is a landfill and garbage sorting on its territory. Local residents have repeatedly complained about the stench. Prosecutors informed him about the suspicion of land contamination.



Eco-inspectors found that the land plot was contaminated with harmful substances, including barium, nickel, arsenic, chromium, manganese, sulfates, and nitrates. According to their estimates, the head of the enterprise created a danger for the environment and caused damage to the surrounding natural environment in the amount of more than half a million hryvnias.

9. To the former general director of the municipal enterprise for the protection, maintenance and exploitation of lands of the water fund of the city of Kyiv "Pleso" reported about the suspicion of causing damages in the amount of more than 700,000 hryvnias during the works on Sinye Lake in the capital. The official unjustifiably concluded a contract for finalizing the project documentation and untimely signed the corresponding document for the clearing and beautification of the reservoir. The Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office noted that at the beginning of September 2024, at the expense of budget funds, work on the restoration of Lake Sinye, which almost dried up a year ago, began again.

10. For illegal sand mining before the court will appear two residents of Kyiv region. In order to earn extra money, they mined almost 2 thousand tons of sand on the territory of the Rokytnya Territorial Community of Bilotserkiv District. Without a special permit for the use of subsoil, the perpetrators mined sand on state lands that were leased by one of the defendants. By their actions, they caused damage to the state in the amount of UAH 1.2 million.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that on October 14 published by the results of our own investigation into the extent of the destruction of the forest cover of the Ukrainian Carpathians in 20 years.

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Officials who illegally extracted mineral water worth hundreds of millions of hryvnias were exposed

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The 10 biggest violations in the field of the environment for the past week
The 10 biggest violations in the field of the environment for the past week

Half of them are illegal felling of trees, sometimes in very large volumes