Zelenskyi was called upon to increase the punishment for cruelty to animals

Zelenskyi was called upon to increase the punishment for cruelty to animals

Katerina Belousova

Fines for violence against animals are proposed to be increased to 268,400 hryvnias

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, was urged to strengthen criminal and administrative responsibility for animal cruelty, as well as introduce the basics of humane treatment of animals into the school curriculum.

The corresponding petition, registered on the website of the President of Ukraine, received more than 11,200 votes out of the required 25,000 as of September 28.

The appeal emphasized the need for legislative changes regarding criminal and administrative liability for cruelty to animals. After all, these provisions are not actually applied, and law enforcement officials refuse to initiate cases.

The author of the petition Natalia Feoktistova stated that N it is necessary to compare the responsibility for the intentional killing of animals to the responsibility for the intentional killing of a person. The infliction of beatings, maiming, physical pain, leaving animals to fend for themselves, rape or committing other violent acts should carry a more severe punishment.

She offers:

  • in to include in the mandatory school education program about the inadmissibility of cruel treatment of animals, the equality of their lives and informing children about criminal liability;
  • increase the amount of the fine for violence against animals to at least 268,400 hryvnias, or transfer all such crimes to criminal status. Fines usually reach UAH 3,400-5,100;
  • strengthen criminal liability for animal cruelty by establishing imprisonment for a period of 6 to 15 years;

"Animals are our fellow inhabitants and deserve our respect and protection. Strengthening criminal liability for ill-treatment is an important step to ensure their rights, she explained Feoktistova. – Many countries around the world are already taking steps to increase criminal liability for animal abuse and intentional killing. Ukraine must adhere to international standards on this issue and make the necessary changes in the legislation."

She added that this would also help prevent animal abuse and deter potential criminals. And also contribute to the formation of a culture of respect for animals. In addition, people who are capable of cruel treatment of animals can also become a threat to people.

The petition noted that increased accountability could help reduce overall violence. It would also create more incentive for law enforcement agencies to prosecute those who commit crimes against animals.

Earlier, EcoPoitic wrote, that animal rights activists accused the police of ignoring the facts of cruel treatment of animals in the Nemo dolphinarium in Odesa, where in April the bloggers held a photo session with the animals in a hotel room.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, ecoactivists are calling on educational institutions to stop the work of the "Fundamentals of Hunting" group in Lviv region, which promotes the killing of wild animals among teenagers aged 13-17.

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