For the first time in Ukraine, a landfill will be closed according to modern standards in Kyiv

For the first time in Ukraine, a landfill will be closed according to modern standards in Kyiv

Katerina Belousova

Over 700 million hryvnias were spent on reclamation in six years

In Kyiv region are continuing the reclamation of solid household waste landfill No. 5, located in the village of Pidhirtsi, Obukhiv district, which will be the first in Ukraine to close the landfill according to modern technological standards.

Reconstruction and technical re-equipment are being carried out at the facility, which is a necessary component of reclamation, KMDA reports on Facebook.

It is noted that the first section of the landfill will be covered with geotextiles and geofilm, after which layers of sand and soil will be placed there.

"Even in the conditions of war and the indisputable priority of financing the needs of defense capability and physical protection of objects, there are projects that we have no right to stop. After all, it is primarily about the safe operation of the landfill and the prevention of emergency situations," said Petro Panteleev, deputy head of the KMDA.

He explained that some technological processes cannot be suspended, because this would nullify the technical measures taken before that.

"The city, together with the operator of the landfill, continues to carry out the necessary work with the prospect of reclamation – the safe closure of the waste landfill," added Panteleev.

The message explained that in 2016-2018, the KMDA formed a set of measures aimed at the phased ecologically safe completion of the operation of the MSW landfill No. 5, its reclamation and closure. During 2016-2021 at the landfill:

  • performed slope planning;
  • the surfaces of both storage areas (maps) were covered with insulating mineral soil;
  • reinforced dams on the first and second map;
  • moved power lines;
  • reconstructed and modernized the ROCHEM filtrate purification system, insulated the building in which it is located.

It is noted that during this period the first map was prepared for reclamation. It was completely covered with protective layers of soil and crushed stone, as well as equipped with drainage for catching leachate in the eastern and western parts. For six years, over 700 million hryvnias were spent on large-scale works within the project.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that at the largest landfill in Ukraine – household waste landfill No. 5 in Pidhirtsy (Kyiv region) – by the end of 2021, they planned to stop receiving garbage.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, near Lviv remediation of the Hrybovytsky landfill was completed by 91%.

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