A spontaneous landfill with hazardous waste was set up near the Shatskyi lakes

A spontaneous landfill with hazardous waste was set up near the Shatskyi lakes

Katerina Belousova

Medicines belong to hazardous waste and require special disposal

In Volyn, in a forest near the road at the entrance to the village of Shatsk, a spontaneous dump with medical drugs and household waste, including plastic bottles, dishes and other waste, was discovered.

This is reported by VolynUA.

The publication published a photo of a spontaneous landfill, on which you can see powerful drugs. Some of the drugs have not expired yet.



It is worth noting that medicines belong to hazardous waste. They have an extremely negative impact on the environment and require special disposal. Such garbage cannot even be thrown into a general container.

As you know, Shatsk is surrounded by 24 lakes. Such a complex is considered one one of the largest in Europe. In addition, the Shatskyi National Nature Park is located on this territory.



Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in the Kharkiv region, in the Krasnograd district, an illegal medical waste dump, in particular with tests for the COVID-19 coronavirus, was removed. Seven bags with this waste were discovered near the village of Dubovi Hryady thanks to the appeal of people.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the director of a meat processing plant from the Volodymyr district will be tried in Volyn, who organized the dumping of waste from animal carcasses in a forest strip near the village of Ozyutychi. This caused significant soil pollution.

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Almost 5 million UAH will be paid by the village council for spontaneous landfills on its territory

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