District hospital saved UAH 150,000 on electricity bills in Zhytomyr region

District hospital saved UAH 150,000 on electricity bills in Zhytomyr region

Katerina Belousova

The operation of the SPP was synchronized with a 100 kW generator

In Zhytomyr region, the Zvyagel multidisciplinary hospital saved 157,000 hryvnias in 8 months thanks to the rooftop solar power plant.

During this time, the SPP generated 25,000 kW of energy, which also made it possible to avoid power outages and ensure continuous operation of medical equipment, reports Public.

Olga Kotyubynska, the deputy director for economic affairs of the hospital, said that the solar power plant consists of six panels with a capacity of more than 32 kW. SES worth 863.7 thousand hryvnias was installed thanks to the help of the charity fund "Ukrainian Charity Exchange" and the public organization "Ekoclub".


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Myroslav Komendat, a doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, noted that before the SES was installed in the hospital, there were interruptions in the supply of electricity. Because of this, it was not possible to fully diagnose pregnant women and patients with various pathologies.

"All patients are examined in the diagnostic department. Previously, if we had a power outage, all the equipment was turned off. And now we don't even feel that our network is missing," he noted, stressing that outages occurred especially often during the Russian terrorist attacks on the power system.

Hospital patients also appreciated the benefits of solar panels.

"I believe that now every department should have solar batteries, because electricity can disappear at any time. "Solar panels are comfortable and convenient, they are a guarantee that the light will not turn off during the procedure," emphasized patient Olena Gordiychuk.

The general director of the hospital, Vasyl Borys, added that the operation of the SPP was synchronized with the 100 kW generator. Now, if the electricity goes out, it is supplied to the network not only by the generator, but also by solar batteries.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that at the hospital in the city of Zviagel, in Zhytomyr Oblast, the solar power plant generated 244 kWh of energy in the first week, which was enough for 20 hours of continuous operation of 11 ventilators.

Earlier, EcoPolitic told how the district hospital in Zvyagel with a rather limited budget managed to install a solar power plant and about the prospects for further development.

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