The procedure for obtaining a permit for air emissions has been simplified

The procedure for obtaining a permit for air emissions has been simplified

Katerina Belousova

This will save time and resources, as emission inventory reports sometimes contained more than 1,000 pages

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources has approved a new Instruction on the requirements for the preparation of documents justifying the volumes of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air by stationary sources.

From now on, economic entities will develop only one document instead of two to obtain a permit for emissions, the Ministry of Environment reports on Facebook.

The relevant order of the department dated 06/27/2023 No. 448, registered with the Ministry of Justice on August 23, 2023 under No. 1475/40531.

"Enterprises receiving emission permits no longer need to waste time duplicating information," the press service emphasized.

It is noted that from now on entrepreneurs:

  • will not develop a report on conducting an inventory of emissions of polluting substances. Such information will be contained only in the substantiation of the volumes of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air;
  • will be able to save time and resources, because the emission inventory reports sometimes contained more than 1000 pages. And then the data from them was duplicated in other documents that the business submitted to obtain a permit.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, experts of the Association of Environmental Professionals (PAEW) analyzed and criticized the draft order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources on the improvement and simplification of the preparation of documents justifying the volumes of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere air from stationary sources.

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