The expert named 5 steps to achieve energy independence in Ukraine shutterstock

The expert named 5 steps to achieve energy independence in Ukraine

Katerina Belousova

Ukraine's energy independence is a component of Europe's energy security

Oleksandr Katsuba, an energy expert, said that Ukraine lacks a realistic energy strategy, and achieving energy independence requires a clear and consistent state policy, as well as significant investments.

He wrote about this in his column on NV, in which he suggested focusing on 5 key areas.

Katsuba emphasized that the first systematic energy-saving programs began to be implemented only after the annexation of Crimea and the Russian invasion of Donbas.

Among the key priorities, he named:

  • reducing Ukraine's dependence on fossil fuels, at least on imported ones;

Katsuba explained that fossil fuel imports "launders" money from the country and forces to build complex political, economic and technological constructions in order to obtain enough energy carriers. In addition, it is a major source of pollution and long-term environmental and climate problems. Until February 24, 2022, even in the key nuclear sector, Ukraine was half dependent on Russian nuclear fuel, and the main source of oil and diesel fuel was imports from Belarus.

"We have to prepare the Ukrainian oil and gas industry to attract investments right now. The more private extraction and processing there is, the better for the long-term prospects of the industry," he emphasized, adding that it is also necessary to invest in nuclear energy.

  • increasing the energy efficiency of the economy, communal economy, and the everyday life of Ukrainians;

The expert noted that reconstruction should take place using the latest technologies that minimize energy consumption.

  • ensure healthy competition;

"Decreasing the power of energy monopolies at the national and regional level is very important both for attracting investments and for developing the quality of providing services to businesses and private consumers. In addition, it is necessary to develop a strategy to gradually reduce the state's influence on the industry," wrote Katsuba, adding that state monopolies are holding back the development of the industry.

  • to become part of the European market. For this, it is necessary to complete harmonization with EU standards. This will make it possible to finance energy projects thanks to cheap European loans and long-term development programs;
  • investment in education, engineering school and scientific research in the field of energy. After all, without personnel potential and own patents, it is impossible to develop directions that are critical for fundamental energy independence.

Katsuba emphasized that Ukraine's energy independence is a component of Europe's energy security and is important for the entire continent.

Remind, The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2050, which reflects the goals of the European "green" course and the achievement of carbon neutrality of the energy sector by 2050.

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