Entrepreneurs were told how to prepare for the launch of the garbage reform shutterstock.com

Entrepreneurs were told how to prepare for the launch of the garbage reform

Katerina Belousova

The speed of real changes depends on the preparation of the state and business for the implementation of the reform

Ukrainian entrepreneurs were urged to prepare for the changes brought by Law No. 2320-IX "On Waste Management", in particular to carry out several preliminary stages.

The director of the Department of Digital Transformation and Electronic Public Services of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Yevgenia Popovych, said this on the department's Facebook page.

"On July 9, the Law "On Waste Management" entered into force. Currently, the preparation of the necessary regulatory and legal framework, which will put all its mechanisms into effect, is underway. However, this does not prevent businesses from preparing for innovations now," she said at a meeting of the Committee of Entrepreneurs on Nature Use and Environmental Protection at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Popovych emphasized that every entrepreneur can analyze his activity in terms of the requirements of the new law and revise his technological regulations.

Among the first steps for entrepreneurs, she named:

  • classification of waste according to the new List of Waste, that is, the National List of Waste. The draft of this document is already publicly available and should be approved in the near future;
  • determining whether the waste is safe or hazardous. If necessary, carry out the necessary laboratory tests;
  • to understand what operations with waste will be performed by the enterprise under the new legislation;
  • prepare documents for obtaining permits for carrying out such operations. Such a list is clearly prescribed in the Law;
  • with regard to hazardous waste, it should be taken into account that under the new rules, only an enterprise that has a license for a complex of operations, i.e., performs recycling or disposal, can process such waste. So in this case, it is worth taking care of obtaining licenses in advance;
  • obtain a license to transport hazardous waste to other countries.

"We are already working on easing the procedures that business entities will have to go through under the new rules. For this, we are introducing digital tools," added Popovych.

It is noted that the following will be available on the single online platform "EkoSistema" for enterprises:

  • business entity's office;
  • a waste management information system through which waste accounting will be carried out, all actions with waste will be monitored, and reporting will be generated.

In the information system it will be possible to:

  • submit documents and obtain licenses;
  • apply online for a permit to carry out waste processing operations;
  • get a conclusion on cross-border transportation of waste;
  • automatically generate a waste declaration. The company will only have to check the generated file and sign it. Such reporting will also be sent by the system to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, etc.

The message emphasized that the state is currently conducting preparatory work for the implementation of the reform. Businesses can also start preparing. After all, how quickly every Ukrainian will feel real changes depends on this.

Remind, Cabinet of Ministers adopted the resolution "Some issues of announcement termination of waste status".

Previously, EcoPolitics analyzed what changed in the field of waste management after the entry into force of the new law and whether Ukraine will be able to overcome the accumulation of garbage.

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