Ukrainians were explained why trees cannot be cut down to the trunks

Ukrainians were explained why trees cannot be cut down to the trunks

Katerina Belousova

It is in the leaves that organic substances are produced, which feed the entire tree

Mass crowning of trees in Ukrainian cities, that is, pruning to the trunks, not only spoils the aesthetics of the streets, but also leads to the death of trees.

Eco-activists from the public organization Green Wave explained on Facebook that after such care, trees often become damaged, suffer from pests and dry up.

It is noted that after pruning, trees lose the necessary ratio of crown and root system. The production and metabolism of substances is disturbed, because of this the tree may die without "letting go" of a new crown.

It is worth noting that it is in the leaf that organic substances are produced, which feed the entire tree. In addition, specific cells in the leaf, the so-called stomata, ensure the constant movement of water and nutrients in the plant.

Eco-activists emphasized that if the tree survives, it produces new sprouts from dormant buds. These sprouts grow very quickly, up to 6 meters per year, but their number is much greater, and the attachment to the trunk is weaker. Because of this, the tree will have to be cut much more often. In addition, new sprouts can easily break off from the trunk due to bad weather.

"A tree deprived of leaves becomes weak, its protective mechanisms work worse, wounds take longer to heal. During this long period, the plant is more susceptible to diseases," the report emphasized.

Eco-activists added that pests are introduced into the cuts and the tree may begin to rot from the inside.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that after crowning, i.e. pruning of almost all branches, trees die in a few years.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the crowns of 18 out of 19 trees on the embankment in Kharkiv were completely cut off, turning them into trunks.

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