Trees — latest ecology news

Perpetrators can spend 5 to 7 years behind bars

Forest industry officials are suspected of official negligence and forgery of documents

They face up to 10 years behind bars

They are at different stages of the proceedings

They can be behind bars for up to 6 years

He and his accomplices face restrictions or deprivation of liberty for up to 5 years

They criticized the directorate of this object of the nature reserve fund and appealed to the Ministry of Environment in this regard

The first meeting is already on August 20

For almost a year and a half, they destroyed protective plantations on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia district

The maximum indicator exceeded 70°С

They will appear before the court

The examination of the trees of the park art monument was financed by the Fund of Semyon Oblomei, a fallen Ukrainian defender who dreamed of becoming an arborist and taking care of trees in the cities of Ukraine