Transcarpathian region — latest ecology news

About 300 m3 of subsoil were mined in two months

In 11 months of 2023, customs officers seized more than 550 cubic meters of wood and 1,680 kg of fuel briquettes

The land management documentation for the 25-hectare park site has not yet been approved

Children learned and remembered where and how animals live, studied vegetation and solved puzzles

Zoo activists plan to establish similar boards in other regions of Ukraine

Detectives are investigating the involvement of the family of the leader of the banned party "OPZZH" Viktor Medvedchuk

The investigation is ongoing

In 2023, entrepreneurs have already received 2 million hryvnias in compensation

In Europe, they seek to restore the free flow of 25,000 km of rivers, and in Ukraine – to turn them into a cascade of ponds

1,500 volunteers joined the campaign to clean the river

The station has been operating for 3 years

In one week, environmental violators compensated 950 thousand hryvnias