State Ecological Inspectorate of Ukraine — latest ecology news

During the week, the environmental violators of Ukraine caused losses of 4.46 million hryvnias

In Sumy, 13 out of 43 discovered spontaneous landfills were removed during the year

During the year, 55 unauthorized landfills were discovered in Kyiv and the region

Waste should be removed as soon as weather conditions allow

During the week, the environmental violators of Ukraine caused losses of 203.2 million hryvnias

The court will make a decision on bringing to administrative responsibility

Materials related to the detected pollution will be handed over to law enforcement agencies

In one week, Ukrainian eco-violators caused 2.8 million hryvnias worth of damage

Violations were discovered in November 2021

Kravchenko filed a complaint with the eco-inspection and again asked for an inspection

In one week, environmental violators of Ukraine caused damage of 119.1 million hryvnias

The survey materials and calculations of the amount of damages were handed over to law enforcement agencies